5th Jun, 2020
1. It’s not your fault that the gastric bypass failed. I know that everybody tends to blame themselves, but the science and the evidence support a very different conclusion. The truth is that the problem is a result of the intersection between a person’s genetics and the obesogenic environment. That’s it. Huge changes in everything we grow and prepare and consume, combined with many other factors… Read more »
4th May, 2020
In the midst of the global pandemic, patterns are beginning to emerge, particularly in relation to people who are most at risk of hospitalization and complications. According to the CDC, high-risk individuals include the severely obese — people with a body mass index, or BMI, over 40. It’s a telling inclusion, particularly given current demographic breakdowns on coronavirus. Increasingly, these breakdowns are tracking the BMIs… Read more »
26th Jul, 2019
Obese individuals suffer an increased risk of cancer, and an increase in cancer mortality compared to non-obese Americans. Now a large population-based study confirms that cancer incidence drops dramatically after metabolic surgery. Numerous cohort studies have shown metabolic surgery decreases cancer risk. A previous large-scale prospectively matched 10-year surgical intervention trial identified that patients undergoing bariatric surgery had a significantly reduced risk of developing cancer… Read more »
25th Jun, 2019
It turns out that if you are under a non-surgical, medical management program for obesity, you are more than 7 times as likely to develop type 2 diabetes in the coming 7 years than if you were to undergo metabolic surgery. Similar rates of new-onset hypertension and hyperlipidemia occur, as reported in a recent paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association by Norwegian… Read more »
1st May, 2019
Obesity causes pain. A disproportionate number of people with obesity take opioids, and a disproportionate number of obese individuals undergo failed spine surgery. For some, it is a cycle of pain, opioids, depression, surgery, and worsened pain. Researchers asked if metabolic surgery resulted in a significant reduction in chronic pain. Not surprisingly, it did. Here's why weight loss may be the most effective therapy for chronic pain.… Read more »
2nd Oct, 2018
real tools needed to succeed. Have you been made to feel that obesity is a character flaw and that losing the weight is just a matter of complying with the right weight-loss program? In reality there is essentially zero medical evidence to support those assertions. The truth is that there is no proven or published non-surgical weight-loss program that delivers results, and the fact that… Read more »
3rd Nov, 2016
obesity rates in the last couple of years. The trend among Americans to reduce soda consumption has its roots to a large degree in the desire to improve and maintain health, and reduce obesity. But some of the reduction may simply be shifting tastes, because statistics show that diet soda consumption has also fallen from its peaks. Meanwhile, sales of bottled water have increased and… Read more »