26th Apr, 2024
Inflammation, often regarded as the body's response to injury or infection, is a complex biological process involving intricate interactions among various cells, mediators, and tissues. While acute inflammation is a crucial defense mechanism, chronic inflammation can lead to any number of detrimental health outcomes. In recent years, scientific research has increasingly emphasized the importance of reducing chronic inflammation in the body to enhance overall well-being,…
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19th Apr, 2024
Obese individuals often face unique challenges in the employment sector, experiencing hiring discrimination and wage disparities directly relating to stereotypes surrounding obesity. The impact of weight discrimination extends to many aspects of employment including hiring decisions, workplace interactions, salary, and career advancement opportunities. Hiring Discrimination People with obesity often encounter significant barriers during the hiring process, as weight bias inaccurately influences perceptions of competence, professionalism,…
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13th Apr, 2024
In the realm of health and wellness battling obesity and diabetes, I meet a lot of great people who find themselves navigating a complex landscape of treatments and interventions. It seems as though options abound, ranging from pharmaceutical drugs touted on every TV channel to surgical procedures. In recent years, two approaches have garnered attention for their efficacy in addressing weight management and type 2…
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5th Apr, 2024
I’ve been fortunate to have a few ideas for how to improve surgical care that have led to new device efforts. But the path from a good idea to a new instrument in the hands of surgeons is a formidable one. From ideation to market launch, the journey of a new surgical device is a multifaceted process that usually fails. Success usually involves some good…
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Nevada Surgical
5500 Reno Corporate Drive
Suite 100

Reno, NV 89511
Minimally invasive weight loss surgery experts.info@sassesurgical.com(775) 829-7999
Office Hours
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm