12th Jul, 2024
Decades of research have shown bariatric surgery to be a successful treatment for obesity. Not only does it lead to substantial weight loss, it has a profound effect on a number of obesity-related health risks—and type 2 diabetes is a standout. Here's how bariatric surgery affects type 2 diabetes. Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes First, let's address the reality we're facing. The prevalence of obesity…
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31st Mar, 2023
When people think of treating or managing type 2 diabetes, medications are typically what come to mind. But the most effective treatment for type 2 diabetes isn't a drug or even diet and exercise—it's actually a surgery. So, what is metabolic surgery for diabetes? The Benefits of Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes Management Surgery as a method of managing diabetes may sound odd, particularly for…
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27th Jan, 2023
If you or a loved one suffers with type 2 diabetes, and tens of millions of Americans do, then it would serve you well to learn a little bit more about metabolic surgery. The data has been accumulating for many decades to the point where today, all the major diabetes and endocrine societies around the world recommend metabolic surgery as a primary treatment for type…
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10th Dec, 2021
People with type two diabetes have a lot on their plate. First, there is blood sugar management and dealing with finger sticks and medications. But more of a toll is grappling with the slow progression of the disease and its effects the kidneys, small vessels of the toes and feet, and the retinas. Diabetes is the number one cause of blindness in the United States.…
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6th Aug, 2021
In a recent post on Sixty & Me, Dr. Sasse discusses a recommended treatment for type 2 diabetes. According to the latest update to the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes, the American Diabetes Associates recommends metabolic surgery as a treatment for diabetes. Surprised? Here's why. From the Article "Experienced centers around the world have achieved complete or substantial remission of Type 2 diabetes in a…
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26th Mar, 2021
Just published in the Lancet, a preeminent medical journal, a recent European study with more than 10 years of follow up compared surgical treatment of advanced type 2 diabetes to treatment with medications, diet, and lifestyle interventions. The results show surgery is the clear winner, with patients randomized to the surgical arm experiencing fewer complications of diabetes, better kidney function, lowered cardiovascular risk, and better…
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19th Mar, 2021
There is no question that a very sophisticated effort has been purposely undertaken by the food industry to provide all of us simple consumers with foods that are increasingly irresistible. And bad for our health. Delivering those amazingly pleasurable mixtures of salt, sugar, fat, flavors, and scents lead us to consume an immense quantity of processed snacks that we would simply never have done with,…
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8th Jan, 2021
The days are long gone when regular people with type 2 diabetes needed to accept it as an incurable chronic disease state that means controlling the blood sugar number with medication for the rest of their lives. The studies are too numerous, the data too overwhelming, and even the more than 53 leading diabetes and endocrinology societies around the world agree: there is a better,…
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11th Dec, 2020
Anyone considering weight-loss surgery is going to have questions, and chief among is them is often whether they'd make a good candidate for this type of procedure. While the best way to get an answer to this question is to speak with a center that specializes in bariatric surgery, there are two big indicators that you can determine yourself. If you're wondering whether you might…
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15th Nov, 2020
Before and After Image of Patient from Nevada Surgical One of the more striking findings we see every week in our long-term follow-up clinic for patients with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and past metabolic surgery is the profound drop in triglycerides after metabolic surgery. While elevated LDL cholesterol commonly falls over the years following metabolic surgery, the abrupt drop in triglycerides is swift and more…
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Nevada Surgical
5500 Reno Corporate Drive
Suite 100

Reno, NV 89511
Minimally invasive weight loss surgery experts.info@sassesurgical.com(775) 829-7999
Office Hours
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm