11th Mar, 2022
Millions of people just put up with symptoms of bladder incontinence or overactive bladder. And that might be a reasonable plan at the beginning, but these conditions are progressive and tend to become much worse over time, making them less compatible with normal life. For so many people, the minor inconvenience soon becomes a major disruption and a big source of misery. Canceling social events,… Read more »
7th Jan, 2022
Bladder leakage is an astonishingly common problem. It stems from dysfunction of the complex pelvic floor muscles and can diminish control of both the bladder and the bowels over time. It is a more severe problem than many people realize, interfering with sleep, hygiene, and the ability to simply go participate and enjoy life. But can bladder leakage be fixed? Traditional Treatment Options Today the… Read more »
12th Nov, 2021
Anyone who has managed symptoms of incontinence understands the toll it takes and has likely tried any number of ways to remedy the solution. Almost always, these "remedies" aren't remedies at all - just methods of managing the symptoms. The big exception is sacral neuromodulation. It's normal to have questions about a treatment like this, and one of the most common typically relates to whether… Read more »
29th Oct, 2021
The short answer is yes, sacral neuromodulation is covered by Medicare and all insurance plans for the treatment of urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence, and overactive bladder. Sacral neuromodulation is highly effective and well proven to restore bladder and bowel control. Excellent peer-reviewed scientific publications examining the treatment options have shown sacral neuromodulation to be the most effective treatment that we have today for incontinence. Medicare… Read more »
15th Oct, 2021
As a regular contributor to Sixty and Me, Dr. Sasse shares his expertise and insight into weight-loss surgery and the best-kept secret for resolving incontinence. In a recent post, he shared how he struck he was by articles describing a growth industry that was projected to become a staggering $20 billion market in the very near future. The amazing market? It's for adult diapers and… Read more »
1st Oct, 2021
The research is very clear that sacral neuromodulation is the best effective way to resolve bladder and bowel leakage. But stories from patients whose lives have truly been changed from this technology are far better than statistics. Take Dr. Sasse’s patient Denise, who began experiencing bladder control issues for the first time in her late forties. It’s a condition that progressively worsened, one she managed… Read more »
17th Sep, 2021
If a relative, or worse, a doctor, has told you that loss of bladder control or bowel control is simply a normal part of life or a normal part of aging, it’s time to examine the facts. Loss of bladder and bowel control is not normal. And today, there is a much better understanding of the science and the reasons why a person may lose control… Read more »
3rd Sep, 2021
Incontinence is an issue affecting millions of men and women in the U.S. alone, and there are a number of solutions out there that address the embarrassing symptoms of bladder and bowel leakage, instead of the issues themselves. You'll also see much in the way of "natural" ways to address incontinence. Unfortunately, at some point, just about everybody finds that a too-little-too-late approach. Here's the… Read more »
9th Apr, 2021
The recently released two-year study of 141 patients with urinary incontinence treated with the sacral neuromodulation (SNM) device showed excellent results at the two-year mark. SNM is a twenty-year-old therapy that has been increasingly refined in recent years. The thirty-minute procedure involves placement of a small chip-like device under the skin near a person’s back pocket, and gentle current awakens the sphincters and pelvic floor… Read more »
2nd Apr, 2021
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is a quote attributed to Ben Franklin. In medicine, we have all learned quite well over the years that prevention is often the best treatment. This has held true for a range of health conditions, from the simple to the complex. Wearing seatbelts prevents injuries with car accidents. Smoking cessation and weight loss prevent heart… Read more »