Newest Sacral Neuromodulation Device Highly Effective at Two Years

Posted on: 9th Apr, 2021


The recently released two-year study of 141 patients with urinary incontinence treated with the sacral neuromodulation (SNM) device showed excellent results at the two-year mark.

SNM is a twenty-year-old therapy that has been increasingly refined in recent years. The thirty-minute procedure involves placement of a small chip-like device under the skin near a person’s back pocket, and gentle current awakens the sphincters and pelvic floor muscles, without requiring surgery or daily medications. The latest two-year data confirms the 90% effectiveness that has been demonstrated in prior studies.

While many patient experienced 100% improvement, with an entirely “dry” experience and ditching the pads entirely, on average the number of leakage episodes dropped to five per day to one per day, as the graph below shows.


The authors write, “At 2 years, participants treated with the Axonics System demonstrated sustained safety and efficacy, high levels of satisfaction with therapy and recharging. Participant‐related factors were not associated with efficacy or recharging outcomes, indicating the reported results are applicable to a diverse population.”

Learn more about SNM and how it can resolve your symptoms of incontinence. Contact the Nevada Surgical team in Reno today.

Pezzella, A., McCrery, R., Lane, F., Benson, K., Taylor, C., Padron, O., Blok, B., de Wachter, S., Gruenenfelder, J., Pakzad, M. and Perrouin‐Verbe, M.A., 2021. Two‐year outcomes of the ARTISAN‐SNM study for the treatment of urinary urgency incontinence using the Axonics rechargeable sacral neuromodulation system. Neurourology and urodynamics, 40(2), pp.714-721.

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