7 Tips for Getting Exercise in the Time of COVID

Posted on: 8th Apr, 2020


During this long stretch of “shelter at home” or whatever form of coronavirus lockdown you are enduring, let’s remember the importance of getting daily regular exercise. That’s right, daily – meaning every day! It’s not easy, but we’ll all benefit from the physical, emotional, and psychological effects of regular exercise. Follow our seven tips for getting exercise in the time of COVID.

Commit to “Putting on the Shoes”

Don’t think about it. Make yourself put the shoes on every single day at the same time – the morning usually works best. If the shoes are on, good things will happen!

Get a Used Treadmill, Elliptical, or Stationary Bicycle

A quick look online tends to yield a surprising amount of secondhand exercise equipment. Get something you can park in your living room, and then follow step one.

Reward Yourself with Netflix

Kill two birds with one stone – catch up with your favorite shows and get in your cardio. Just remember – no watching “Tiger King” unless you’re running, stepping, or spinning!

Start Small

Haven’t exercised in ages? It’s okay! Just start small. Try walking around the living room and lifting five-pound hand weights or books. Do as many minutes as you can and build from there. Remember, any exercise is better than no exercise.

Keep Setting Goals

It could be six consecutive minutes a day on the treadmill, two blocks with Fido, or hitting 15,000 steps a day. Maybe it’s a half-marathon! The idea is to set a goal and make a plan for reaching it. Then, start again with another goal.

Connect with Others

Physical meet-ups may be out of the question for the time being, but we can still connect. Find a virtual workout buddy and hold one another accountable – check in before your workouts, and virtually high-five after you’re done.

Get those Endorphins

No one ever feels worse after a physical workout – usually, it’s during the workout that you’re suffering. Afterwards comes the reward. Exercise floods our brain with chemicals that make life feel wonderful. These chemicals are called endorphins, the “feel good” hormones, and they’re like magic. It’s this mood buster that hooks people on exercise.

The Takeaway

Your muscles, your body, and your metabolism are a “use it or lose it” deal from Mother Nature. So put on the shoes and find a way to stand, walk, run, spin, or lift – every single day. You’ll reap the physical benefits and the many psychological benefits too, which is a timely consideration these days.

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