1st Sep, 2023
Some of you have asked about the medical device called Elitone, which was FDA approved for treating stress urinary incontinence and being promoted as an alternative to sacral neuromodulation. We think Elitone may offer a nice complement to existing therapies including pelvic floor exercises, medications and Bulkamid filler injection for stress incontinence. Here's what else to know about Elitone for incontinence. It's Designed for Stress…
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1st Jul, 2023
Incontinence is a condition characterized by the involuntary loss of urine or fecal matter. It affects millions of individuals around the world and causes more than just embarrassment, with a range of significant social, psychological, and physical implications. Treatments can vary and typically include the use of medications, a method that has pretty serious drawbacks. Increasingly, sacral neuromodulation is being used as a highly effective…
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16th Jun, 2023
Pelvic floor disorders encompass a wide range of conditions that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. Urinary retention, or the inability to fully empty the bladder, is one of them. Unfortunately, traditional methods of treatment don't resolve the issue or its symptoms. But sacral neuromodulation, or SNM, is showing tremendous success. Here's what makes SNM a revolutionary approach to the treatment of pelvic…
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9th Jun, 2023
Urge incontinence, which is characterized by an uncontrollable and sudden urge to urinate, is a distressing condition that significantly impacts quality of life for millions of people around the world. Traditional treatment options for urge incontinence, which includes medications and behavioral therapies, may not deliver the results people hope for. But there is an alternative, and it's proving to offer the type of long-term relief…
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3rd Mar, 2023
In a recent post for Sixty & Me, Dr. Sasse discusses the impact of urinary incontinence. This is a condition that affects millions of people in the U.S. alone, and many millions more worldwide. Many of them struggle in silence as small leaks turn into the complete loss of bladder control. Incontinence is often chalked up to age or the result of chronic health conditions,…
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24th Feb, 2023
Overactive bladder (OAB) and urinary incontinence, or bladder leakage, are common medical conditions that can negatively impact a person's quality of life. Medications are often prescribed as the first line of treatment for this condition, but despite their widespread use, they often fail to resolve the problem. Worse, these medications can also cause cognitive problems in seniors as a side effect, posing a serious drawback…
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14th Oct, 2022
It's certainly encouraging that published studies of sacral neuromodulation show a success rate of around 90%, particularly considering that reflects excellent results for individuals who have tried other forms of treatment first. But it's the stories from patients themselves that have the most impact. Statistics are wonderful, but they make it easy to overlook the people behind the numbers. Dr. Sasse's patient Sue recently had…
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1st Jul, 2022
Bladder leakage, overactive bladder, and bowel incontinence are no fun. The symptoms are disruptive and embarrassing, but they are also progressive, meaning they get worse with time. What may start as a nuisance progresses to an expensive series of trips to different doctors, and even more expensive trips to Costco for pads and diapers. Here's what to understand about the progressive nature of incontinence. The…
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3rd Jun, 2022
Any exploring treatment options for incontinence will run through the usual suspects — medications, removable devices, injections, lifestyle changes. And if they're lucky, they'll learn about the best-kept secret in medical care. Sacral neuromodulation is considered a pelvic floor pacemaker. It's truly remarkable in terms of efficacy and still flies under the radar for many. In a recent post for Sixty & Me, Dr. Sasse discussed…
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22nd Apr, 2022
Overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, and fecal incontinence are more common among Parkinson's disease patients than the general population, which begs the question, is sacral neuromodulation effective in people with Parkinson's disease? The short answer, we believe, is a resounding yes. At the Continence Center here in Reno, we have had excellent success resolving bladder and bowel leakage symptoms for patients with Parkinson's disease. Some recent published…
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