7th May, 2021
All too often, people wait far too long to move forward with treating their health. This is especially true for weight loss surgery. I cannot tell you how many times I see people in the office who come to see me once something dreadful has already occurred. Common examples are that an individual has taken a fall, suffered a severe injury to a hip or…
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5th Mar, 2021
As we know, obesity increases the risks of many serious adverse health conditions, including many types of cancer. A 2020 study reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association Dermatology evaluated more than 4,000 individuals over a 20-year time frame and found that skin cancer, including malignant melanoma, occurred far less often among those individuals treated with metabolic surgery. As the authors write, “These…
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26th Feb, 2021
Major weight loss is a great thing. Studies from around the world continue to emphasize that excess body weight is bad for our health and bad for our quality of life, so losing weight is the top priority. Most people feel better, live longer, and enjoy life more after major weight loss. But that does not mean there are not some side effects. If you're…
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19th Feb, 2021
Surprises are only nice in certain situations and usually not in situations like surgery or health care. Far better to have clear expectations for what will happen after weight-loss surgery from the moment you wake up until the one-year anniversary and beyond. Guidelines & Clarification We do our best to provide good guidelines and the range of potential expectations after surgery to every person who…
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15th Feb, 2021
Recently it was announced that a new weight-loss medication called Semaglutide demonstrated promising results in a trial and is moving toward FDA approval for treating obesity. It is already used at a lower dose to treat type 2 diabetes. The medication is an injectable hormone analog that is very similar to an existing weight-loss medication, Liraglutide, also a hormone analog of the same hormone, called…
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5th Feb, 2021
In recent days, researchers from Europe have published their findings from years of study of 500,000 individuals battling excess weight but trying to stay fit. The research project is the culmination of an effort to understand if maintaining physical activity and an active lifestyle can overcome the negative health effects of obesity. In short, can you be both fit and fat? From the Research That…
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22nd Jan, 2021
A family history of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, plus a frightening experience with gestational diabetes, is enough to make anyone face facts. For Dr. Sasse’s employee-turned-patient, Daizy, it was the motivation she needed to to make a life-changing decision. “My biggest fear was the diabetes returning if I didn’t get my weight under control,” she remembers. “That’s what made me consider bariatric surgery.”…
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11th Dec, 2020
Anyone considering weight-loss surgery is going to have questions, and chief among is them is often whether they'd make a good candidate for this type of procedure. While the best way to get an answer to this question is to speak with a center that specializes in bariatric surgery, there are two big indicators that you can determine yourself. If you're wondering whether you might…
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27th Nov, 2020
If you're experiencing weight gain or disappointment results after sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass, you are not alone. And it is most definitely not your fault. While generally effective treatments, the magic of metabolic surgery depends on some critical hormonal, biochemical changes that happen when the tissues are altered, and those biochemical changes must intersect with your own genetics. The result is a new trajectory…
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15th Nov, 2020
Before and After Image of Patient from Nevada Surgical One of the more striking findings we see every week in our long-term follow-up clinic for patients with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and past metabolic surgery is the profound drop in triglycerides after metabolic surgery. While elevated LDL cholesterol commonly falls over the years following metabolic surgery, the abrupt drop in triglycerides is swift and more…
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Nevada Surgical
5500 Reno Corporate Drive
Suite 100

Reno, NV 89511
Minimally invasive weight loss surgery experts.info@sassesurgical.com(775) 829-7999
Office Hours
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm