A Patient Review of Sacral Neuromodulation — “One of the Best Decisions I’ve Made”

Posted on: 14th Oct, 2022


It’s certainly encouraging that published studies of sacral neuromodulation show a success rate of around 90%, particularly considering that reflects excellent results for individuals who have tried other forms of treatment first. But it’s the stories from patients themselves that have the most impact. Statistics are wonderful, but they make it easy to overlook the people behind the numbers. Dr. Sasse’s patient Sue recently had sacral neuromodulation, and the results have been phenomenal. “This is absolutely the best decision I have ever made,” she says.

Before SNM

Thanks to incontinence, Sue’s life was becoming increasingly disrupted. At sixty, she should have been thoroughly enjoying her golden years, but life was simply getting harder. “I couldn’t sit through a movie without having to use bathroom,” she says. “Shopping was the same way. I always had to make sure I knew where the bathrooms were in case of an emergency.”

Growing up, Sue says, she remembers her grandmother having the same issues. “She ended up having the surgery called the bladder sling and was not very successful.” Sue knew she didn’t want to go that route, and so she explored other methods of treating incontinence. “I’ve tried medication, Kegel and pelvic exercises with no results,” she says.

And so, she just simply put up with the symptoms as best she could, until she happened upon a television commercial one day. “When I first saw the advertisement on TV, I was so excited. I remember thinking, ‘Finally, maybe there’s real help for this!’ I was so tired of leaking when playing with my granddaughter, wearing pads wasn’t working, and disposable diapers? No! Not for me!”

After Treatment

Sue called Dr. Sasse’s office right away to schedule her appointment. “Dr. Sasse and his team are amazing people,” she says. “They made me feel comfortable, not embarrassed.” Sue is one of many, many people to enjoy incredible results with SNM. The procedure has been so successful, in fact, that she’s on a mission to personally spread the word. “Anytime I hear someone else talking about their situation, I don’t hesitate to interrupt and tell them my story about Dr. Sasse! Thank to him and his team, I feel normal and life couldn’t be better!”

Sue calls SNM one of the best decisions she’s ever made. “I have no regrets at all!”

Here at The Continence Center of Nevada Surgical in Reno, Nevada, we hear many wonderful success stories just like Sue’s. If you’re making accommodations in your life because of bladder or bowel leakage, it’s time to learn more about SNM. Contact our team today, and let’s discuss your options. It could be life changing, just as it was for Sue.

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