12th Mar, 2021
The most recent guidance from the American Urogynecologic Society has called out the dangers of anti-cholinergic medications used to treat bladder incontinence. Describing the class of medications which includes the most widely prescribed names such as Ditropan, Oxybutynin, Detrol, and Vesicare, the guideline paper describes that “Recently, additional concerns have emerged regarding prolonged use of anticholinergic medications and the associated risk of cognitive impairment, dementia,… Read more »
24th Dec, 2020
Dr. Sasse in contributing articles to Sixty and Me in an effort to raise awareness about the best-kept secret for resolving incontinence. In his third article for the website, he discusses the very real issue of the failed bladder sling, including next steps. From the Article Dr. Sasse writes about the ubiquity of the bladder sling, a procedure recommended to many women that involves the… Read more »
18th Dec, 2020
Anyone who has struggled with symptoms of incontinence knows the frustration and embarrassment it brings. But more than that, it truly curtails your life. By the time they come to see us, many of our patients have tried all of the standard recommendations, often for years, and without success. Fortunately, there is a better way to not just manage but resolve bladder and bowel leakage.… Read more »
20th Nov, 2020
We wrote recently about Dr. Sasse's new monthly writing contribution to a website called Sixty and Me about incontinence. In his second article for the website, he took aim at an important topic - why most doctors don't know about the best treatment for incontinence. From the Article "If you have tried to discuss any form of incontinence with your doctors and received mostly blank… Read more »
13th Nov, 2020
When people struggle with incontinence, they tend to start looking for ways to manage the symptoms. That often means looking online for answers to their questions about diagnosis and resolution. Here's how you know you might be a candidate for sacral nerve modulation - the most effective, modern therapy to restore bladder control and bowel control. Diagnosing Incontinence Diagnosing incontinence is often done by the… Read more »
30th Oct, 2020
It's an unfortunate fact that the people who need modern technology like sacral neuromodulation to treat the all-too-common condition of incontinence simply don't know about it. It's one of the reasons we're sharing content about incontinence here on our blog, on our Facebook page, and even on Instagram. To continue raising awareness, Dr. Sasse is also contributing a monthly article about incontinence to Sixty and Me,… Read more »
2nd Oct, 2020
Surgery for bladder leakage or bowel leakage has dramatically changed from what was done twenty years ago. Like many fields in medicine and surgery, techniques and principles evolve, and technology improves with time. Today, the best results in completely or nearly completely resolving incontinence of both the bladder and bowels comes from technology that is so non-invasive, it doesn’t really require "surgery" at all. But more… Read more »
25th Sep, 2020
Incontinence is really diagnosed by you. While doctors and labs can offer some additional testing and help characterize certain features of the problem, none of them really understands the impact incontinence truly has on a person’s day-to-day existence. Since you are the one living with it, only you can truly say how troublesome it is and whether treatment is required. Degrees of Incontinence: Mild Some… Read more »
18th Sep, 2020
Incontinence is an ongoing struggle for millions of Americans, and most of the well-known solutions aren’t technically solutions. Instead, they address the symptoms of incontinence, instead of resolving the problem itself. The most effective treatment for incontinence, sacral nerve modulation, has a success rate of more than 90% and many ecstatic proponents. Dr. Sasse’s patient, Tammey, is one of them. Finding a Solution It was… Read more »
7th Aug, 2020
While Dr. Sasse can comprehensively explain the medical reasons behind sacral nerve modulation as the most effective resolution for bladder or bowel leakage, the proof is really in how the procedure impacts his patients. Here’s what his patient Julie shares about the difference sacral nerve modulation made in her life. A Knowledgeable Referral For many people, incontinence is embarrassing enough that they don’t seek outside… Read more »