25th Sep, 2020
Incontinence is really diagnosed by you. While doctors and labs can offer some additional testing and help characterize certain features of the problem, none of them really understands the impact incontinence truly has on a person’s day-to-day existence. Since you are the one living with it, only you can truly say how troublesome it is and whether treatment is required. Degrees of Incontinence: Mild Some… Read more »
7th Aug, 2020
While Dr. Sasse can comprehensively explain the medical reasons behind sacral nerve modulation as the most effective resolution for bladder or bowel leakage, the proof is really in how the procedure impacts his patients. Here’s what his patient Julie shares about the difference sacral nerve modulation made in her life. A Knowledgeable Referral For many people, incontinence is embarrassing enough that they don’t seek outside… Read more »
24th Jul, 2020
For many people, bowel incontinence is a vexing problem for years before they finally seek solutions with a doctor. And even then, they don't always get a good answer. Often, general medical providers don't know that there are excellent solutions, and there may even be some embarrassment discussing the subject for both patients and physicians alike. The truth is that a multi-modality approach to treating… Read more »
26th Jun, 2020
The short answer is yes, but let us explore how. Bladder leakage, also called urinary incontinence, is one of the most frustrating, embarrassing, and surprisingly common conditions, affecting tens of millions of people in the U.S. alone. It stems from a loss of nerve signal and of pelvic floor muscle function. But the good news is that urinary incontinence can be reversed. Issues Causing Incontinence… Read more »
12th Jun, 2020
Based on scientific evidence, both AARP and The American Geriatrics Society have warned against the routine use of common bladder-control medications called anticholinergics. Millions of Americans are commonly prescribed anticholinergic drugs to treat bladder and bowel leakage, and overactive bladder (OAB). Some of the common drugs are known by names Detrol, Ditropan, Enablix and Vesicare. A large British study has found evidence that anticholinergic medications… Read more »
29th May, 2020
Bowel leakage or fecal incontinence is a surprisingly common problem. But as common as it is, the fact that it's also a solvable issue 90% of the time isn't as well known. Bowel leakage affects tens of millions of Americans, and it varies a great deal in its severity. Treatments for fecal incontinence likewise vary to match the severity of a person's experience. If you're… Read more »
15th May, 2020
Contrary to conventional wisdom, bladder leakage is not “normal” at any age. It affects tens of millions of men and women, and it ranges from a minor nuisance to a major problem that significantly diminishes health and quality of life. Fortunately, treatments have improved greatly in recent years, to the point that the problem is solvable for at least 90% of people. Today, we’re reviewing… Read more »
1st May, 2020
Bladder leakage and bowel leakage are serious problems that affect tens of millions of Americans, yet most people – and even most doctors – don’t know how to treat it. But scientists have been working for decades to solve the incontinence problem by modulating the communication lines that tell our muscles when to contract and when to relax. Unlike physical therapy or medications, the best-kept… Read more »
19th Feb, 2020
Bladder leakage is one of the most common problems among Americans over the age of 40. For some, it is related to pregnancy or prostate problems and can be considered a minor nuisance. But for others, bladder leakage is embarrassing and disruptive to daily life. Bowel leakage can occur for many of the same reasons — past pregnancy, aging, pelvic radiation, surgery, spinal injury, and nerve… Read more »