
22nd Jan, 2021
A family history of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, plus a frightening experience with gestational diabetes, is enough to make anyone face facts. For Dr. Sasse’s employee-turned-patient, Daizy, it was the motivation she needed to to make a life-changing decision. “My biggest fear was the diabetes returning if I didn’t get my weight under control,” she remembers. “That’s what made me consider bariatric surgery.”…
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15th Jan, 2021
At 63 years old, Dr. Sasse's patient Mary experienced a life-changing procedure for incontinence. After years of failed remedies, she was understandably skeptical when her physician recommended a visit to Dr. Sasse. It would prove to be the beginning of a real resolution that has changed everything. Finding an Answer Mary's bladder dictated her life. "I was constantly going to the bathroom," she says. She…
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8th Jan, 2021
The days are long gone when regular people with type 2 diabetes needed to accept it as an incurable chronic disease state that means controlling the blood sugar number with medication for the rest of their lives. The studies are too numerous, the data too overwhelming, and even the more than 53 leading diabetes and endocrinology societies around the world agree: there is a better,…
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1st Jan, 2021
At the youthful age of 31, Travis Z. was routinely waking up with terrible back and knee pain. He had been overweight his entire life, which meant putting up with increasing limitations causes by the excess weight. As a correctional officer, "there were days I would go to work and wonder what I was going to do if my partners were getting hurt - would…
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24th Dec, 2020
Dr. Sasse in contributing articles to Sixty and Me in an effort to raise awareness about the best-kept secret for resolving incontinence. In his third article for the website, he discusses the very real issue of the failed bladder sling, including next steps. From the Article Dr. Sasse writes about the ubiquity of the bladder sling, a procedure recommended to many women that involves the…
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18th Dec, 2020
Anyone who has struggled with symptoms of incontinence knows the frustration and embarrassment it brings. But more than that, it truly curtails your life. By the time they come to see us, many of our patients have tried all of the standard recommendations, often for years, and without success. Fortunately, there is a better way to not just manage but resolve bladder and bowel leakage.…
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11th Dec, 2020
Anyone considering weight-loss surgery is going to have questions, and chief among is them is often whether they'd make a good candidate for this type of procedure. While the best way to get an answer to this question is to speak with a center that specializes in bariatric surgery, there are two big indicators that you can determine yourself. If you're wondering whether you might…
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4th Dec, 2020
Imagine living with symptoms of bowel incontinence so debilitating that you were forced to plan your life around them. That was the reality for Dr. Sasse’s patient, Resa, and it was the motivation she needed to keep searching until she found a solution. A Silent Shame Bowel leakage made Resa re-think what and when she ate, and where and when she left the house. “Was…
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27th Nov, 2020
If you're experiencing weight gain or disappointment results after sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass, you are not alone. And it is most definitely not your fault. While generally effective treatments, the magic of metabolic surgery depends on some critical hormonal, biochemical changes that happen when the tissues are altered, and those biochemical changes must intersect with your own genetics. The result is a new trajectory…
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20th Nov, 2020
We wrote recently about Dr. Sasse's new monthly writing contribution to a website called Sixty and Me about incontinence. In his second article for the website, he took aim at an important topic - why most doctors don't know about the best treatment for incontinence. From the Article "If you have tried to discuss any form of incontinence with your doctors and received mostly blank…
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Nevada Surgical
5500 Reno Corporate Drive
Suite 100

Reno, NV 89511
Minimally invasive weight loss surgery 829-7999
Office Hours
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
7:30 am - 4:30 pm