New Year’s Resolution 2021: Cure Your Type 2 Diabetes with a Simple Procedure and A Daily Walk

Posted on: 8th Jan, 2021


The days are long gone when regular people with type 2 diabetes needed to accept it as an incurable chronic disease state that means controlling the blood sugar number with medication for the rest of their lives. The studies are too numerous, the data too overwhelming, and even the more than 53 leading diabetes and endocrinology societies around the world agree: there is a better, safer way. It makes a fine New Year’s resolution for 2021 – curing your type 2 diabetes with a simple procedure and a daily walk.

Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes

It’s estimated that less than 2% of Americans with type 2 diabetes follow the guidelines and choose the better, safer way to resolve their condition. Of course, I’m talking about metabolic surgery, combined with a habit of a daily walk. Odds are high that with this 45-minute procedure, which involves four bandages and is clinically safer than an appendectomy, plus a walk every day, you will live a substantially longer and healthier life. And for the vast majority, the diabetes medications can be ditched.

Sounds too good to be true? That’s because all of scientific research and international study behind this approach has gone on for the past 30 years with the deafening absence of the pharmaceutical industry megaphone. Nothing can compete with the marketing budgets of big pharma, which have conditioned us all to understand that diabetes is best managed with lifelong medications. The truth is quite different.

All of the published prospective randomized controlled trials examining surgery when compared to intensive pharmaceutical-based treatment of diabetes show that the surgery path is far superior. And before you assume that these randomized controlled trials that researchers love are too narrow or esoteric, they echo the enormous population-based studies that show surgery results in a lower death rate, fewer heart attacks, fewer instances of blindness, fewer kidney failures, and less of everything bad that comes along with diabetes. These studies have been confirmed all over the world including the United States and published in the largest most prestigious journals. It is this data that has led over 53 leading international organizations of doctors treating diabetes to endorse this new paradigm shift, which places metabolic surgery front and center.

The surgery has become simpler and statistically safer, shorter, and easier than the most common and widely performed procedures in the United States. That includes surgical procedures for the gallbladder, hysterectomy, hernia, and even appendectomy. And the results are usually transformative. Most people stop taking insulin right away. Most people experience complete normalization of blood sugars without any medications whatsoever. And those positive effects are long lasting. Not everyone experiences the complete remission or complete reversal of diabetes, but nearly everyone sees a large and significant improvement, and that translates to less medication and better health.

A program that combines this 45-minute surgery with a long-term habit of increased daily moderate exercise provides the greatest promise and the safest, most effective treatment path for people with type two diabetes.

Nearly all public and private health insurance plans cover metabolic surgery. The American Diabetes Association and virtually everyone else who is not trying to sell you pharmaceuticals recommends metabolic surgery. The risks of metabolic surgery are far lower than the risks of continuing forward with managing type two diabetes using medications.

Getting Started

Imagine living without constantly taking diabetes medications that must be increased year after year. Imagine dramatically reducing your risk of kidney failure, blindness, amputation and stroke. And imagine living longer, with more energy and with better health. For more information about specific studies and a closer look at the data, as well as a deep dive into the guidelines and what a state-of-the-art treatment program looks like, read The Type II Diabetes Cure.

And if you or someone you love has been struggling with type two diabetes, make it a great year in 2021 – cure your diabetes with the most effective method. The team here at Sasse Surgical is ready to answer all of your questions. Contact us today.

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