Is There An Ideal Weight For Bariatric Surgery?

Posted on: 13th Dec, 2024


One of the most common questions we hear is whether or not there’s an ideal weight for bariatric surgery. It’s a logical question, but there’s no magic number that qualifies you for the procedure. That’s because bariatric surgery isn’t based on your actual weight alone. Instead, it’s based on your body mass index (BMI) and associated health conditions. Still, it’s pretty straightforward, so we’ll keep this post short and sweet. Here’s how it works.

BMI Guidelines, According To Most Insurance Plans

While insurance plans vary, most follow these BMI guidelines for bariatric surgery approval.

  • BMI ≥ 40: This typically means about 80 pounds or more above your ideal body weight. This group is the primary candidate for bariatric surgery.
  • BMI between 35 and 39.9 with health issues: If you have obesity-related health problems like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or sleep apnea, you may qualify even with a lower BMI.
  • BMI 30-34 with health risks: The newer medical society guidelines start here, though it’s considered on a case by case basis and insurance payors are slow to expand the eligibility. People with significant obesity-related conditions, like diabetes, qualify for bariatric surgery.

The “Ideal Weight” For Bariatric Surgery

There isn’t a specific number for bariatric surgery, but candidates are usually severely overweight or morbidly obese by clinical standards. Your doctor will assess not just your weight but also your health risks, lifestyle, and ability to maintain the weight loss after surgery. If you have a very high BMI, say over 55, then your doctor may ask you to lose some weight before surgery to increase the safety and success of the procedure.

Final Thoughts

The “ideal weight” for bariatric surgery depends on your BMI and health risks, not a specific number on the scale. After surgery, most people lose weight quickly within the first year, with long-term results of shedding 50-70% of their excess weight. Bariatric surgery is a powerful tool, but your dedication to following post-surgery recommendations is key to achieving and maintaining success!

If you’re considering bariatric surgery, we’d love to answer your questions. Contact the team at Nevada Surgical today to learn more.

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